Friday, November 5, 2010

Bigger update tomorrow...but for now...

...remember like a few entries back where I was talking about the animé Neon Genesis Evangelion being a good visual representation for my mastertape? Well, I'll explain a bit.

The premise of the show is the world has experienced something called Third Impact, effectively a cataclysmic event in which sea levels rise, seasons get disrupted, lots of people die, etc (standard post-apocalyptic fare, I guess).

Anyway, things called Angels begin to emerge, which essentially want to kill people (note: I'm dumbing down the plot a lot as an in-depth description would be spoiler heavy and it's a really good, the mythology is being sorta rewritten as we speak by new movies [which are awesomer])...wait, where was I? Oh yeah, Angels. Turns out, the only way to stop these Angels are with mechas (please tell me you know what mechas are--if not, go here). Not compelling yet, right? Well, turns out, they can only be piloted by people born after the Third Impact, or more specifically, 14 year old boys and girls. So, we have science and Christianity covered. Music comes to play a lot--the main character, Shinji, is constantly listening to an SDAT player (although the audience is never privy to what, exactly, he listens to), and many of the battle scenes are set to epic, symphonic music. Like the following, taken from the movie End of Evangelion, which served as the close for the original series.

Bach's "Air on a G String" (music) + Mecha (science-->tech) + religious concepts (note the Lance of Longinus reference at the end) = epic win. Add to the fact that this scene simultaneously explores the pilot's (in this case, Asuka) relationship with herself, mother, and Shinji (among others)'s like...meta hot chocolate. Anyway, without further ado

Yeah--speed round three for me (which should be four...*sigh*) update tomorrow.


PS, did you really think I wouldn't have additional music!

Chris Brown - Deuces

Cliff Note's version: karma (if you believe in that sort of thing) solves everything--surrounding your life with the positive is a good thing, even if it initially hurts.

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