Thursday, September 16, 2010


I dug the additional binaries people came up with the poem I submitted as part of my "mastertape" work. The only one I consciously "wrote" was between the "sacred" and "secular" in terms of viewing sex, but people saw beyond this to deeper religious motifs (such as what it means to pray and the interplay of god/the devil), additional relationships such as the internal versus the external, and also the (in)adequacies of language. With that in mind, on the Metra home, I just generated a shit-ton (well, for about 10 minutes) of possible binaries/relationships to explore. Well, would it be more appropriate to discuss that my work focuses on "binaries" as the "biggest" theme, with "relationships" being just one binary? I think it may. Anyway, list (some are already mentioned above, but I'll rename then--if someone in this class stumbles across this blog [or if I end up giving the URL and this is still "early" on the page), please offer additional suggestions (also, I won't "quote" things like "right," etc, as I think this tension is implied):

Language as adequate versus language as inadequate; Good versus evil; Internal versus external; Light versus dark; Right versus wrong; Sacred versus secular; Hot versus cold; Black versus white; Old versus young; Old versus new; Thought versus action; Blindness versus sight; Natural versus the scientific; Sound versus deafness; Fast versus slow; Endless versus finite; Ephemeral versus permanence;
Isolated versus surrounded; Gravity versus weightlessness; Happy versus sad; Fucking versus making love; Genuine versus trite; Original versus copy; Truth versus lie;
Life versus death; Movement versus stasis; Euphony versus cacophony

1 comment:

  1. Masculine vs. feminine? Love vs. lust? Fantasy vs. reality? Casual sex vs. relationship? Macho vs. gentlemanly?
